Friday, November 29, 2019

First Line Friday

Happy Friday! It's time for First Line Friday, hosted by Hoarding Books.

It's time to grab the book nearest to you and leave a comment with the first line. Today on First Line Friday, I'm featuring Once Upon a Dickens Christmas by Michelle Griep.

And the first line is ...

Christmas or not, there was nothing merry about the twisted alleys of Holywell.

About the book...

Three delightful Christmas tales will transport you to the time of Charles Dickens. Pour yourself a cuppa, get lost in the merriment of the season, and enjoy a Dickensian Christmas in three stories from fan favorite Michelle Griep.

Let me know the first line of the book closest to you and then head over to Hoarding Books to see who else is participating.

If you're a blogger or just a social media-er, we'd love for you to join us, too!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Tuesday Tip: Three general resource websites (Part 2)

Are you feeling stuck in your writing? If you'd like some websites for general resources, here are a few sites to  check out: 

1. The Internet Archive: This site is the ultimate site for research. It's a non-profit library which includes free movies, books, music, websites, and more. There's so much to learn on this site.

2. Grammarly: This site offers a free web browser extension that can help when self-editing your work. The blog and social media accounts offer tips, facts, and other advice for writers.They have a YouTube channel, as well.

3. Canva: If you need to design an ad, book cover, or meme and want some assistance, then this site is for  you. It offers a number of free templates and photos. There's a paid version available, and you can upload your own images, as well.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

"The Last Affair" by Margot Hunt


Gwen Landon—poster woman for perfect wife, mother, and suburban bliss—is found brutally bludgeoned to death behind her Floridian McMansion. Beautiful and beloved by her community, Gwen makes an unlikely victim. But just a scratch below the surface of her perfectly curated world reveals one far more sinister. When looking back over the six months leading up to her death, the question of, “who would do this?” quickly shifts to, “who wouldn’t?”

Commercially successful food blogger and mother of three, Nora Holliday never imagined she would have the nerve, let alone time, to get involved an affair. Trapped in an unhappy marriage, she does whatever it takes to keep it all together. But when Nora runs into Gwen Landon's husband at a hotel in Orlando, his easy kindness and warmth proves too tempting to resist. As their affair spirals dangerously out of control, it seems things can’t get more complicated—until Gwen turns up dead.


     Other than the woman’s blood-covered body splayed facedown in the grass, it could have been any typical upscale Floridian backyard.
     There was the ubiquitous pool with a water fountain feature, a patio furnished with both a dining set and outdoor sectional couch, and an enormous gas grill capable of cooking hamburgers by the dozen. A large pergola with a tropical vine trained over it covered part of the patio. The dining area was shaded by a black-and-white-striped awning. It was the very picture of suburban domestic bliss. It could have been the set for a commercial advertising anything from laundry detergent to allergy medicine.
     Again, except for the dead body.
     The area had already been taped off. The first officers on the scene appeared with an ambulance in response to a frantic 911 call placed by the woman’s daughter. The paramedics had assessed the situation, and quickly determined that the woman was dead. The fact that the back of her head had been bashed in with what looked like a paving stone, conveniently dropped next to her prone body, made it immediately clear that it had not been a natural death. The responding officers called the sheriff, who responded by sending in a full investigative team. The medical examiner was now doing a preliminary examination of the body, while police officers combed the area for additional evidence. Two detectives, Mike Monroe and Gavin Reddick—separated by twenty years and sixty pounds—were overseeing the operation, standing at the edge of the patio under the shade of the pergola. It was the third week in April, but this was South Florida and the temperature had already climbed into the low nineties.
     “The paving stone came from the stack out in the front yard. They were delivered last week by the company who’s installing the driveway,” Detective Reddick said. He was the younger of the two men and had a wiry frame and angular face.
     “Weapon of convenience. Suggests it wasn’t premeditated,” Detective Monroe said. He had a ruddy complexion and a full head of thick dark hair, swept back off his face. A strand never moved out of place, even in a strong wind.
     “Plus he dropped the weapon, rather than taking it with him. Probably panicked.”
     “Could be a she,” Monroe said mildly.
     Reddick shrugged. “Blunt force trauma to the back of the head? You know the stats. Overwhelming likelihood that it’s a man, and probably someone the victim was intimately involved with. Husband, maybe a boyfriend.”
     “The husband was with the daughter when she called it in.”
     “Doesn’t mean he didn’t do it, and then had her place the call.”
     “No, it doesn’t.”
     The family had been sequestered indoors, both to keep them out of the way, and so that the officers waiting in the house with them could observe anything they did or said. Other than the husband, there was a daughter in her early twenties and a teenage son. The daughter was reportedly distraught, while the husband and son had both been eerily quiet. It was possible they were in shock.
     “Do we have an ID on the victim?” Reddick asked.
     “It’s her house,” Monroe grunted.
     “Yeah, but I like doing things the official way, you know? I’s dotted, t’s crossed, all of that. Building a case, basic detective work.”
     Despite the chilling scene in front of them—the woman’s body still sprawled on the grass, the back of her head a pulpy, bloody mess—the corner of Monroe’s mouth quirked up in a half smile.      “Sure, kid, tell me all about basic detective work. I’ve only been doing this for, what…thirty-two years now? The husband ID’d her. Victim is Gwen Landon, age forty-nine. Married, mother of two. Husband said she hasn’t had any recent conflict with anyone.”
     “Other than the person who caved in the back of her head with a paving stone,” Reddick pointed out.
     “Wouldn’t be the first time a husband didn’t know his wife as well as he thought he did.”
    “Possible. But there’s another possibility, too.”
    “What’s that?”
    Reddick turned to look at his partner. His eyes were small and dark, and he had a habit of squinting when he concentrated intently on something.
    “The husband is a liar,” Reddick said.

My review...

This psychological thriller is told in multiple POV’s, which I enjoyed, as it gave me a well-rounded picture of what was going on.

I read a lot of books in this genre, including one other book by Hunt. It grabbed my attention on the first page, and it took me on a bit of a roller coaster ride with a few twists along the way. I enjoyed this story, but it was a bit average, compared to others I’ve read (including the author’s prior book, For Better and Worse). At times, some of the characters’ actions seemed a bit over the top and without a lot of reason for it. Some plot points weren’t particularly original, but this was still an enjoyable book, and I look forward to reading more from Hunt in the future.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy from the publisher, but I wasn’t required to leave a positive review.

Purchase links...

About Margot...

Margot Hunt is a critically acclaimed author of psychological suspense. Her work has been praised by Publisher's Weekly, Booklist and Kirkus Reviews.

Where you can find her online...

TWITTER: @HuntAuthor

Saturday, November 23, 2019

"A Match for Emma" by Pepper Basham ... and a GIVEAWAY! (JustRead blog tour)

A Match for Emma JustRead Blog Tour

Welcome to the Blog + Review Tour & Giveaway for A Match for Emma by Pepper Basham, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!


A Match for Emma by Pepper Basham Title: A Match for Emma
Author: Pepper Basham
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: November 21, 2019

Emma Mitchell may enjoy sprinkling romance into the lives of others, but her own plans involve a single first-class ticket to culinary school in Europe.

When her best friend, Jon Noble, suddenly moves back to Ransom, Emma’s fairly certain her life can’t get any better…until her matchmaking schemes nosedive, her culinary future falls flat, and a life-long friendship begins to teeter on the brink of something unexpected.

With a little inspiration from Jane Austen’s classic and a touch of Blue Ridge charm, will Jon and Emma discover that what they need the most may be the last thing they’re trying to find?

PURCHASE LINKS*: Goodreads | AmazonBook Depository


“And I brought along some of Daphne’s apple tarts, Daddy Cam.” Emma placed the bags on the counter and sidled right up to his dad to place a kiss on his cheek. “Fresh from the oven.”
“You know you’re my favorite, don’t you?”
“Yep, I know.” Emma shot Jonathan a self-satisfied smirk then turned back to his dad.
Jonathan closed in, saving the introspection for later. “I see you’ve picked right up where you left off. Wooing Dad and feeding people.”
Her smile beamed up at him, brightening a little more of the stuffy space. “If you have a gift…”
She drew items out of her bags as if he’d made an emergency list for her. “How…how did you know what we needed? Have you been spying already?”
“Spying? Me?” She rolled her eyes and went back to her work unpacking the bags and placing them in strangely perfect places in the kitchen. “I haven’t spied on you since I was—”
“Fourteen? Fifteen?”
Her mouth widened as big as her eyes. “No! Surely not.”
“Emily Johnson.” He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the counter to watch the familiar expressions move across her face. Well, maybe he had missed in-person exchanges with her. The glimmer in her eyes appeared much more vibrant in real life than over Skype, and the way she pursed her lips to keep from giving away her grin held a much more comical shift.
“Who?” Her much too innocent look didn’t fool him.
“Oh, you remember her. I think she may have been the one to inspire your broken arm?”
Emma rubbed her left arm as if re-experiencing the fall from the great oak at the entry of his driveway. “Really, Jonathan. How could Emily Johnson have had anything to do with my broken arm?” She turned back to the groceries, obviously avoiding eye contact.
“Curiosity? A certain friend eavesdropping on a goodbye kiss?”
She spun around, index finger raised. “But you didn’t kiss her. You didn’t even give her a hug. Ha! You had much better taste than the likes of—”
His raised brows must have given away the clue he’d proven his point, because her bottom lip dropped. With only a slight hesitation, she snapped those lips closed and narrowed her eyes at him. “Nicely done.”
“I’ve missed this sort of entertainment,” Cam picked up an apple Emma had placed on the counter and rubbed it against his thigh before taking a crunching bite. “Doesn’t seem as if three years has passed a ‘tall.”

“I’m glad to provide entertainment to you, Daddy Cam, but I’m not too sure about that son of yours.” Emma slipped past Jonathan to place a dozen eggs in the refrigerator, her chin tipped in defiance.


Pepper Basham 

Pepper Basham is an award-winning author who writes romance peppered with grace and humor with southern Appalachian flair. Both her historical and contemporary novels have garnered recognition in the Grace Awards, Inspys, and ACFW Carol Awards. Her historical romance, The Thorn Healer, was a finalist in the 2018 RT Awards. Her most recent historical romance, My Heart Belongs in the Blue Ridge, showcases her Appalachian heritage and family history, as well as her love for humor and family.

She currently resides in the lovely mountains of Asheville, NC where she is the mom of five great kids, a speech-language pathologist to about fifty more, and a lover of chocolate, jazz, hats, and Jesus. Her upcoming release, A Match for Emma, is the third book in her popular Mitchell’s Crossroads series.

Pepper loves getting to know readers and other authors through social media. You may also learn more about her on her website!

CONNECT WITH PEPPER: Website | FacebookTwitterInstagram


(1) winner will receive a Paris cube decorative tote, paperback copy of Jane Austen's Emma, paperback copy of A Match for Emma (or another one of the Mitchell's Crossroads books, if preferred), a 'love' ornament,  a mug that reads "You're my cup of tea", and Misty Mountain handcrafted soap (made locally) - the scent is Mountain Berries!

A Match for Emma JustRead Giveaway

Be sure to check out each stop on the tour for more chances to win. Full tour schedule shown below. Giveaway will begin at midnight November 9, 2019 and last through 11:59 PM EST on November 16, 2019. Open internationally except where prohibited by law or logistics. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize.
Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!
*NOTE: This post contains affiliate links.

Friday, November 22, 2019

"Call to Love" by Mary Felkins ... and a GIVEAWAY!

Mary has agreed to giveaway one copy of  the book to one lucky blog reader.  (Winner's choice of a print copy - US ONLY - or an electronic copy.) You can enter by using the Rafflecopter link at the end of the post. (Giveaway ends November 29, 2019. If you are the randomly chosen winner, I'll contact you.) 

Call to Love – The Story Behind the Story

Unbeknownst to me, moving to the foothills of the Appalachian Mountain from my hometown, Houston, Texas, in September, 1997, with my husband and our two kids (now, four) stirred a sleeping desire. Enveloped in breathtaking landscape during the radiance of fall color and cooler temperatures, my imagination began to stir. As a child, I’d “written” several little “stories” (most of which I still have) but never dreamed I’d be called to write professionally – as evidenced by the fact that I acquired a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Nutrition. But these characters I now know by name started talking. I saw them interact with each other, listened in on their dialogue. No clue this was the foundation of a book. As scene ideas interrupted conscious thought, refusing to be silenced, the prophetic sentence spilled out…“I’ll write a book.”…on the heels of an unsavory conversation with my husband about our financial situation at the time.

I wanted to create a heroine who, after the shooting death of her law enforcement father two days before the father-daughter dance, had come to believe the lie that love can’t be trusted, that life is a vapor. It made sense to create her profession as a nurse in the emergency department where she often sees evidence of the frailty of life.

I have great respect for the profession of law enforcement, particularly after graduating from our local police department’s Citizen Police Academy, in 2012 for research purposes and was compelled to create the hero as a hyper-vigilant, robust, and brawny cop. Fun to write, enjoyable to read!

I wondered, What would it be if two crisis-driven professions who don’t hesitate to answer emergency calls crossed paths – one hurt by the loss of her law enforcement father’s death and the other abandoned by his ex after years of investment and sacrifice – yet refused to answer God’s call to love again?


What if saying yes to love means trusting the kind of man you said you’d never marry? 
What if pursuing a woman’s heart means restoring a painful past?

     Tracy Cassidy, a fiercely independent ED nurse, must choose between her dream job or staying in her hometown to help support her mother’s faltering ministry. Even if it means risking her heart in love with the kind of man she said she’d never marry. 
    Why sign up to be Laurelton’s next cop widow?
     Tom DeLaney, a hyper-vigilant cop and new hire from Texas, is wearied by years of failed rescue attempts to save his marriage to his ex. A free man, he moves to the foothills of North Carolina.
        Thing is, he hadn’t expected to fall for Tracy, his supervisor’s sister. But when his adolescent son is diagnosed with a chronic illness, he faces the risk of loving another woman with keep-out issues.
     Fears related to the death of Tracy’s cop father and Tom’s inability to forgive the past threaten to sabotage any chance at love.

To trust again means surrender. Will they risk their hearts and answer the call?

Fun Facts & Scene Inspiration

I chose to assign Tom’s white squad car the number 19 which references Revelation 19:11: “I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a Rider on a white horse Whose name is Faithful and True.”
I love this verse! Talk about, “Some day my Prince will come!” I included a white horse named Cruiser, in the story, which is the gift Tracy’s father gave to her when she was ten. It symbolizes her father’s squad car and his promise he’d always be there for her. Cruiser, featured on the front cover, represents the white horse of Revelation 19:11.

Co-Zee’s Coffee Shop with The Gathering Room was inspired by a Christian coffee shop that used to be here in my hometown, Hickory, NC. Today, the place is a bar with pool tables in the back room and features live music on weekends. Sigh. I’m thankful to have “spared” the coffee house within the pages of the book.

In the first scene, the reader finds Tom’s 14-year-old rascally son, Stephen, watching a race car cartoon (aka Speed Racer) because he has fond memories of watching it as a kid. This was inspired by my own son, now 21, who loved Speed Racer so much that he rose early to watch it before his siblings joined him on the sofa and dominated TV time. Stephen shares with Tom the deeper reason for why he loves the show, “The better racer (Racer X) sacrifices winning to protect Speed.” His statement carries a deeper spiritual truth, one Tom needs to learn and later recalls during his black moment event.

In the story, Tracy utilizes what she calls The Humility Score (scale of 1 – 10) when the need for humility is in order. On a few occasions, she gives Stephen a score depending on his attitude. The inspiration for the Humility Score came years ago from interaction with one of my own son’s friend when the two played lacrosse together. Whenever the young man tended toward exuberant pride, I’d slap him a low score…to his dismay. He’s in college now and he still enjoys playing along. Y’all feel free to put it to good use in your own circles of influence. J

The scene in the emergency department with a Mrs. Van Deventer was inspired by my own experience with an elderly friend of mine. She’d been hastily whisked from her assisted living facility to the hospital after another fall and lamented that they’d forgotten to bring her teeth along. Thus, the dear woman was toothless. The ER nurse assigned to her reminded me so much of my heroine that a scene was created from the experience. I also used it to show that things aren’t always a matter of life and death in the emergency department.

My review...

This is the first book I’ve read by Felkins. It’s an emotional, heartwarming tale of love and second chances.

The prose is descriptive, which makes the reader feel a part of the story. The characters are well drawn. While I liked Tracy, I particularly liked her mother. Tom’s son was a realistic portrayal of a teen, and I enjoyed getting to know him throughout the story. Tom and Tracy face realistic struggles, and they demonstrate what all Christians are called to do: look to God and place your burdens at His feet (a reminder I can always use).

If you’re a fan of sweet romances, you’ll want to add this book to your TBR pile.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy, but I wasn’t required to leave a review.

About Mary...

Mary A. Felkins is an inspirational romance author, devotional writer, and contributor to an on-line Bible study magazine. Her debut, inspirational romance novel, Call To Love, (www.pelicanbookgroup) releases November 15th, 2019.

Raised in Houston, Texas–and forever a Lone Star girl-she and her husband Bruce moved to the foothills of North Carolina in 1997. They have four adolescent to young adult-ish children. She can be lured from her writing cave if presented with a large, unopened bag of Pnut M&Ms or to watch an episode of Fixer Upper. A surprise appearance by her teen idol, Donny Osmond, would also do the trick, although she’d likely pass out.

If, upon introduction, she likes your first or last name, expect to see it show up in one of her novels.
To receive Mary’s weekly story-style devotions and quarterly book news via email, subscribe on her website,

Social Media links

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Thankful Thursday: His Encouragement #2

Welcome to Thankful Thursday: His Encouragement. I am blessed to be part of a group of bloggers who'll be sharing a bit of encouragement through Scripture verses. I hope this post blesses you as you finish the week and that you find peace, strength, and comfort in the Lord.

As Thanksgiving approaches, many people see it as a time to take account of what they’re thankful for in their lives. Some even do it the entire month of November. I write in a daily gratitude journal, where I list at least three things for which I’m thankful for from that day. Some days are easier than others. If it’s been a challenging day, one of them may be that I made it through the day … which is a pretty big deal in itself. Near the end of December, I go back through my journal, and I’m always amazed at the many ways God has blessed me over the past year.

Today’s  verse is a poignant reminder that God is good—all the time, not just when things are going our way. It’s a reminder that God doesn’t owe us anything. Every blessing is from His grace because He loves us. 

We all know that life doesn’t always go as planned. In fact, all one has to do is turn on the news or hop on social media to see that the world is ever-changing. But, God doesn’t change. He loves us no matter what, and He is always worthy of our praise.

Today, I’m thankful for many things, including my heavenly Father, my husband, my family (including our turtle!), and my friends. I’m also thankful for you, my readers. I appreciate you stopping by my blog and sharing your stories with me. You bless me in ways you may not even recognize. 

What Scripture is encouraging you today? Share it in the comments.

You can check out more of His Encouragement from my fellow bloggers:

Trisha @ Joy of Reading
Jacquelyn @ A Heavenly Home
Andi @ Radiant Light
Becca @ The Becca Files

If you'd like to join us, please contact Trisha or Nicole

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Writing Prompt Wednesday

If you're feeling stuck in your WIP (work in progress) or just want to shake things up a bit, here's something different to try today:

I'll always be thankful for...

Happy writing!

Monday, November 18, 2019

Monday Motivation

"A blank piece of paper is God's way of telling us how hard it is to be God."
— Sidney Sheldon

Have a wonderful week!

Friday, November 15, 2019

First Line Friday

Happy Friday! It's time for First Line Friday, hosted by Hoarding Books.

It's time to grab the book nearest to you and leave a comment with the first line. Today on First Line Friday, I'm featuring a book from one of my many TBR piles, The Auschwitz Escape by Joel C. Rosenberg.

And the first line is ...

"Evil, unchecked, is the prelude to genocide."

About the book...

A terrible darkness has fallen upon Jacob Weisz's Germany. The Nazi regime, under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, has surged to power and now hold Germany by the throat. All non-Aryans--especially Jews like Jacob and his family--are treated like dogs. 

When tragedy strikes during one terrible night of violence, Jacob flees and joins rebel forces working to undermine the regime. But after a raid goes terribly wrong, Jacob finds himself in a living nightmare--trapped in a crowded, stinking car on the train to the Auschwitz death camp.

As World War II rages and Hitler begins implementing his "final solution" to systematically and ruthlessly exterminate the Jewish people, Jacob must rely on his wits and a God he's not sure he believes in to somehow escape from Auschwitz and alert the world to the Nazi's atrocities before Fascism overtakes all of Europe. The fate of millions hangs in the balance.

Let me know the first line of the book closest to you and then head over to Hoarding Books to see who else is participating.

If you're a blogger or just a social media-er, we'd love for you to join us, too!

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Takeover Thursday with Kathy McKinsey

Kathy has agreed to give away one electronic copy of  the book to one lucky blog reader. You can enter by using the Rafflecopter link at the end of the post. (Giveaway ends November 21, 2019. If you are the randomly chosen winner, I'll contact you.) 

The story behind the story...

Millie’s Christmas was a lovely surprise to me as a writer.

I didn’t want to try yet to do NaNoWriMo, a program where writers try to write an entire novel in the month of November. But I did want to work on a project where I would make myself write every day.

It was December, so I decided to do a Christmas story.

I’m more of a pantser than a plotter, but usually, I do have a basic idea in mind of how the story will unfold. This time, at first anyway, I just sat down and wrote whatever came to me.

I write women’s fiction. I enjoyed reading to my kids when they were little, and even making up stories, but I’m not a children’s story writer. For this, however, I thought I’d write a story told in the point of view of a kitten.

And before I knew it, God gave me this fun story. A kitten and her two best friends, the family dog and the six-year-old girl of the family.

In no time, God took this project of forcing myself to write daily and turned it into one of my favorite stories.

I always have to say at this point that I in no way set myself up as comparing with C. S. Lewis in talent. However, I see Millie's Christmas appealing to readers of all ages, as the Chronicles of Narnia do.

For children, there is the fun of the cats and dog, the delights of Christmas celebration, the comfort of parents, and the joy of Jesus. For adults, there is the hope of Jesus, the relationships between all members of the family, and the fun of the cats and dog.

Millie’s Christmas will be released October 22, 2019.


Ruthie says Millie will love Christmas. Ruthie is Millie’s best friend, so she’s sure Ruthie’s right, but why does Millie keep finding Ruthie and her brother Jake crying?

Millie, an orange kitten, shares about her first Christmas. Her best friend Ruthie, six years old, teaches Millie about Christmas—food, decorations, music, presents, and Jesus!

Millie’s friend Bruce, the family dog, also helps her celebrate Christmas, and sometimes gets her in trouble.

When Ruthie’s big brother Jake breaks his ankle, Millie learns about sad things, like divorce, when Jake can’t visit his mommy for Christmas. Millie watches Ruthie’s family love each other through the sadness and find joy in Christmas.
About Kathy...

Kathy McKinsey grew up on a pig farm in Missouri, and although she’s lived in cities for nearly forty years, she still considers herself a farm girl.

She’s been married to Murray for 32 years, and they have five adult children.

She’s had two careers before writing—stay-at-home-Mom and rehabilitation teacher for the blind.

She lives in Lakewood, Ohio with her husband and two of her children. Besides writing, she enjoys activities with her church, editing for other writers, braille transcribing, crocheting, knitting, and playing with the cat and dog.

Where you can find Kathy online...

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

"The Sleuth's Conundrum" by Kimberly Rose Johnson ... and a GIVEAWAY! (JustRead Tours)

The Sleuth's Conundrum JustRead Blog Blitz

Welcome to the Blog Blitz and Giveaway for The Sleuth's Conundrum by Kimberly Rose Johnson, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

The Sleuth's Conundrum 
Title: The Sleuth's Conundrum
Series: The Librarian Sleuth #3  
Author: Kimberly Rose Johnson
Publisher: Mountain Brook Ink  
Genre: Cozy Mystery  
Release Date: November 1, 2019  

Adam and Tara are sucked into a police investigation that might get Tara killed. Can Adam keep her safe or will he lose her forever?

Tara James, the local librarian assistant, is afraid her past will catch up to her when an infant is abandoned outside the Tipton County Library. Will news of the abandoned baby stir up publicity and force her to go on the run again?

Librarian Nancy Daley’s world has become complicated. Carter is pushing to set a wedding date, a woman was left for dead on the side of the road, and Tara, her assistant, is acting strange. Nancy is working every angle she can think of, but the case goes from bad to bizarre. Can she find the baby’s mother, help Tara, and plan her wedding without upsetting her life’s delicate balance?

Slow news days become a thing of the past for local reporter Adam Stacy when a dead body is discovered on the side of the road. Was the woman murdered or was it an accident? Adam’s feelings are growing for Tara, but she appears to have secrets she’s hiding. Is she somehow connected to the abandoned infant?

When things go from bad to worse Adam does everything in his power to protect Tara, but will it be enough?  

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon


Thunder boomed and rattled the windows. Tara jumped—she hated storms. “I don’t
remember the last time we had thunder like that.” She crossed her arms. “Who would abandon a helpless baby on a day like today?” Tara looked down at the infant and her heart melted. She squatted and unhooked the safety restraint. “How long was the power out?”

“Thirty minutes tops. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Nancy moved around her desk and powered on her computer. “I’ll pull up the security footage while I get my mom on the phone.”

Nancy’s mother was the local sheriff, so it made sense that she would call her directly rather than 911. “And I’ll see if she needs a diaper change. Do you think she’s hungry?”

Nancy shrugged. She had her phone to her ear.

Tara lifted the light-as-a-feather baby from the carrier and cradled her. “Shh. It’s going to be okay.” 

The baby quieted and snuggled against her. Her heart melted. Sudden tears burned her eyes. She blinked them away.

Tara knew little about babies, but how hard could changing a diaper be? She peaked inside the diaper bag and spotted an envelope. “What do we have here?” She reached for it then drew out the single sheet of paper.

“This is Amelia. She’s a week old. I wish I could keep her but my circumstances won’t allow it. Please love her for me and take good care of her.” Clearly her mom cared deeply for her so why leave her baby at the library?

Kimberly Rose Johnson

Award winning author Kimberly Rose Johnson married her college sweetheart and lives in the Pacific Northwest. From a young child Kimberly has been an avid reader. That love of reading fostered a creative mind and led to her passion for writing. She especially loves romance and writes contemporary romance that warms the heart and feeds the soul. Kimberly holds a degree in Behavioral Science from Northwest University in Kirkland, Washington, and is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers. You can sign up for Kimberly's newsletter via her website at:  

CONNECT WITH KIMBERLY: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | BookBub


(1) winner will receive a $10 Amazon gift card!

The Sleuth's Conundrum JustRead Giveaway

Enter via the Rafflecopter giveaway below. Giveaway will begin at midnight November 11, 2019 and last through 11:59 pm November 18, 2019. Open internationally as long as winner can accept gift card from US Amazon. Void where prohibited by law. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.
Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!
*NOTE: This post contains affiliate links.