Showing posts with label #spiritualwarfare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #spiritualwarfare. Show all posts

Thursday, December 12, 2019

"Safe and Sound" by David Powlison

My review...

The book is a detailed look into spiritual warfare, and it focuses on Ephesians 6. Powlison gives the reader a solid idea of what spiritual warfare is before providing application for different situations counselors may encounter.

Powlison's final book is divided into nine chapters, with Ephesians 6:10-20 the basis. Three beginning chapters explain the basic nature and weaponry of spiritual warfare. The remaining chapters focus on counseling those in need.

I had different expectations going into this book than what I actually found. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I was a bit surprised to find that the target audience is counselors. I thought the applications could still be used and applied by the average reader wanting to get a better understanding of handling spiritual warfare, but I didn't really find that to be the case. This is definitely geared for pastors, counselors, or other spiritual leaders. Other readers may find the information overwhelming. However, there are some personal examples that make it a bit less academic.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy as part of the Read with Audra blog tour program. I wasn't required to leave a positive review.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

"Your Battles Belong to the Lord" by Joyce Meyer

My review...

I always enjoy reading Meyer's books, as she never fails to tackle spiritual battles with biblical truths, and her latest is no exception. Here, she reminds the reader who the true enemy is (Satan), and she provides ways to apply God's Word and prayer to do battle against whatever the enemy may throw our way. Meyer wants to help the reader do battle with God at their side.

If you're looking for encouragement, this is a book to check out. It'll remind you that the enemy can be defeated. I enjoyed the sections on ways to incorporate prayer into the battle and the importance of removing thoughts that begin with "I can't" or "I'm not." My favorite chapters were "Hold Your Peace," "The Power of a Thankful Life," "Internal Rest," and the ones on spiritual warfare (and strategies for battle). 

Here are some of my favorite quotes from the book:

  • "As we learn to stop thinking about our problems and fill our minds instead with the truth that our battles belong to the Lord, we will be able to let God fight our battles for us and realize that worry is something we no longer have to do."
  • "Our problems never change the truth that God is good!"
  • "God can give us joy without things, but things without God will never give us joy."
  • "All loss of peace and upset begins in the mind."
  • "Sometimes we look for a miracle when all we need is common sense."
  • "Worry is useless, but most of us continue to do it...until we finally realize that the longer we worry, the longer we delay the help God wants to give us."
  • "When we are anxious, we use the time God has given us today to try and fix or solve something that is either in the past or in the future."

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy as part of the FaithWords blogger program, but I wasn't required to leave a positive review.