Showing posts with label #firstpage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #firstpage. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Tuesday Tip: The first page

I'm sure you've read many books, but there have probably been some books that you have put down before finishing the first chapter. Have you ever stopped to wonder why?

While some highly successful novels start with dialogue, mundane scene descriptions, or prologues, those openings are not the best options for having an agent, or reader, drawn to your tale.

Agents receive numerous manuscripts daily, and readers have an abundance of choices, as well. They are looking for something that will grab their attention. They want to be drawn in immediately. If they have to wait around for a few chapters, or even a few pages, the story is likely to be left unfinished. So be sure you grab them from the beginning.

What are some of the best opening lines you've encountered in a book? Feel free to share them in the comments. You can share the opening line from your work in progress, too.