Monday, September 17, 2018

"Pull It Off" by Julianna Zobrist

My review...


Julianna Zobrist addresses the thought we all have at one time or another: I could never pull that off! Zobrist goes on to show in her book that, yes, you can!

I didn’t know much about Zobrist before reading this book, other than the fact that her husband is Ben Zobrist. Julianna’s personality shines through in this book. She’s vulnerable, funny, and relatable. She wants to help the reader gain confidence to face their fears.

The book is divided into three parts: authority, identity, and security, and she presents ways to address these root issues where our fears stem from, and that involves leaning into our God-given gifts. Her message is one that can be life changing, if taken to heart. For instance, she reminds the reader that their identity is found in God, not their success or image. It is possible to retrain your mind. So, go ahead and embrace your uniqueness!

Some of my favorite quotes:

·        “Courage is recognizing our weaknesses and simultaneously recognizing that God approves us amidst these weaknesses.”
·        “Investing in yourself happens when you decide that it is worth it!”

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy, but I wasn’t required to leave a positive review.

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