Thursday, July 12, 2018

Takeover Thursday with Jill Lynn ... and a GIVEAWAY!

Jill is here to share a bit about herself and her latest release. She's offered to give away a copy of the book (US - winner's choice of hard copy or ebook; International - ebook) . You can enter by using the Rafflecopter link at the end of the post. (Giveaway ends July 19,2018. If you are the randomly chosen winner, I'll contact you.) 

Q & A with Jill...

Q:  Welcome, Jill! Can you tell my readers how your latest story came to be written?
A:   Since I live in Colorado, I knew I wanted to write something set in Colorado. I'd already written about ranching in Texas, and I wanted to tweak that, so I ended up imagining a guest ranch. From there, I decided I wanted to have a little girl bring her parents together. I brainstormed. What would cause a mom to tell her ex he had a daughter he'd never met? I ended up using the little girl's medical condition as a catalyst, and that's how the story began.

Q:   Thanks! Definitely a good way to start a story. Do you have any specific rituals you must have or do when writing?
A:   I actually love silence when I write. I know a lot of people listen to music, but that's a distraction for me. I love a quiet space, and I write best in the afternoon. In the morning, I must have my coffee! And bacon. I consider bacon writing fuel. Comfort is also important. If I can write in my pajamas, it's a good day.

Q:   I love it! I know a number of writers who love bacon, so you are obviously correct on the writing fuel. I'm one of those people who have to have noise or music in the background. Along the writing lines ... what writers have inspired you?
A:   Oh! That's a great question. Any good writing is inspiring, but I'll list a few of my favorites. Denise Hunter, Becky Wade, and Kristan Higgins. I love writing that infuses humor into it :)

Q:   Those are some wonderful choices. What advice do you have for new authors?
A:    Try not to get overly bogged down with social media. Yes, it's important to build a platform, but allowing yourself to imagine and write and re-write is what improves your craft. Also: read, read, read. It helps to dive into another story and see what the author is doing well ... or maybe not so well. It's a great way to learn what works and what doesn't.

Q:   Great advice! What can you tell us about your next project? 
A:   My next book, The Rancher's Unexpected Baby, is due out in early 2019. I'm excited for this story. It will feature one of the Wilder siblings, and it's about second chances and believing you're worthy of being loved.

Sounds like one to add to my future-TBR pile! Thanks for stopping by, Jill. I'm sure my readers will enjoy getting to know you a bit better.

An excerpt...

      Only Cate good question the motives behind a brownie. "Just come on." He snagged her arm, directing her. If he waited for her to decide, they'd be here all day. His hand felt right at home against her skin, but he ignored the increased rhythm in his chest at being near her. She smelled like flowers and good pieces of the past.
       Luc matched his longer stride to Cate's shorter one. He probably had close to half a foot on her in height, but she made up for in spunk. Case in point: she shook his hand off her arm like she was dealing with insect and set of a man. His mouth twitched. As long as she kept walking, he wouldn't fight her.
       What was it about Cate that both infuriated him and intrigued him at the same time? Just her presence wrecked havoc on him. He wanted to tuck into her and take a good long breath, as if he'd been holding his for the years during their separation and his lungs could finally function again. But he wasn't allowed those kinds of liberties anymore, and he wouldn't take them if he could.
         He and Cate had bigger thing to focus on than their wayward relationship. Like their daughter. Which was exactly what he wanted to talk to her about.
          "Joe made brownies. I could smell them when I was in my office earlier. They're amazing right out of the oven."
         Her sideways glance included more narrowing of those caramel eyes. "Are you trying to bribe me into a conversation with the promise of a brownie, Luc Wilder?"
          "Yes, ma'am. That's exactly what I'm doing."

My review...

     Luc Wilder is shockeed to see his ex-girlfriend Cate back in town (and specifically at his guest ranch) ... with a three-year old she claims is his daughter. Ruby has a health issue, and Cate felt it only right that Luc has a chance to know Ruby. He can't help but love the little girl, but will Luc and Cate be able to forgive and forget the past and learn to trust each other again?
     This is the first installment in the "Colorado Grooms" series. The hero and heroine are well-developed and relatable in their issues (lots of emotional baggage on both sides). The secondary characters are perfectly integrated, and the reader may be left hoping some of them (particularly Mackenzie and Gage) are seen again in future books. Themes of forgiveness, grace, trust, and second chances are key. The religious message is woven throughout this sweet tale ... and the author even throws in a nice surprise at the end :)

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy, but I wasn't required to leave a positive review.

About Jill...

Jill Lynn writes small-town happily ever afters filled with humor, grace, and faith. She lives near the beautiful Rocky Mountains with her husband and two children and can be found online at or on Facebook and Instagram @JillLynnAuthor. Her latest release, The Rancher’s Surprise Daughter, is in stores now.

Where you can find Jill online...


  1. Back when I was 10 I went to a horse ranch to start riding lessons, but only lasted 1 lesson because we found out the hard way that I was almost deathly allergic to horses. Thankfully it's a lot better now!

    1. Abby,

      Oh, no! What a horrible way to discover that. I'm glad you're better now.

      Thanks for stopping by my blog, and good luck!

  2. Replies
    1. That counts! Very cool!

      Good luck, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. I have never been to a ranch but we live in the country and I'm surrounded by many cattle and dairy farms.

    1. That sounds similar to my experience. It's nice to still have that, even if it's through neighbors.

      Thanks for visiting my blog, and good luck!

  4. I've never been on a ranch, but I'd be game to try it. Although my luck with horses isn't the best. I've been thrown off of several.

    1. Beth,

      I'm so sorry to hear that. I could see why you'd be leery, but perhaps it'd be fine if you watched from a distance, which is what I'd likely do.

      Good luck, and thanks for stopping by my blog!

  5. No I haven't been to a ranch but my brother and sister-in-law had a farm with horses. I rode horses growing up, I haven't been on a horse for 39 years!

    One time the saddle was loose and I couldn't keep it on while the horse was in a gallop, so I just let it slide and I slid with it till I was close to the ground and off I went! When I opened my eyes, the horse was going over me. I was okay, nothing hurt or broken! :-)
    Oh yeah, I was kicked by a horse one time too. Thank goodness he wasn't shod, I still have a scar on my thigh from that kick!

    Thanks Leslie for the opportunity to win this book!

    1. I'd say your brother and sister-in-law's farm is almost as good as being on a ranch!

      Oh, I'm glad to hear you weren't injured when you slid off, but I'm sorry that you were kicked. I had a relative who was, as well. As a result, I keep a safe distance from my neighbor's horses, though we do feed them apples on occasion :)

      Good luck, and thanks for stopping by!

    2. :-) Thanks for saying their farm is almost as good a s ranch.

      The kick did hurt but I actually didn't cry, I think because I was shocked and it happened so fast. I didn't see it coming!

      Aww, that's nice to feed horses! Just don't let them know you are scared of them, they can sense that and they will show you who's boss!

    3. Thanks for the tip!

      Glad the kick didn't hurt. Sometimes it's best to not see things coming, then you don't tense up, etc.

  6. Replies
    1. Me, too.

      Good luck, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  7. Yes, I went to a Buffalo ranch and it was so fun. There was all sorts of animals and I loved it.

    1. That sounds fun!

      Thanks for stopping by, and good luck!

  8. Yes, I have been to a ranch! Love them!

    1. You're very lucky. I think it'd be fun to visit one.

      Good luck, and thanks for visiting my blog!
