To celebrate her latest release, Ruth is giving away one (1) copy of "Refuge of the Heart" (reader's choice of hard copy or eBook). To enter, go to the Rafflecopter box at the end of this post. The last day to enter is September 10, 2015. If you are the randomly chosen winner, I will contact you to find out your preference and pass your information along to Ruth. Good luck!
Inspiration behind the Story...
Well, this is the most important thing of all. Like most stories, a combination of things came together and made me say, "What it?" My daughter was sent to Myanmar to study refugee camps there… a chance encounter with a parking lot cart boy who thanked me for putting my cart back because so many people don't bother…and then all of a sudden, I saw "Lena," a refugee who goes the distance, a victimized woman with a rise-above mentality strengthened by faith, hope, and love. The love of her family, of her mother, of her little sister, born out of grievous circumstances. Chechnya was in a frantic state at the time, so many people seized and killed, and there was little to be done. So much blame, and so little action. But when I read of one small Catholic enclave that had been obliterated, one by one, that helped cement where the story should be set…and Lena's history was born. Fiction from fact.
We have many refugees here in upstate New York. Each one has a story. Most stories aren't as dark as Lena's, but I worked with Cambodians who had to escape their country post-Vietnam as they helped Americans. They made it across a great space, and across the river, and eventually here, to America where they worked cleaning restaurants and businesses…and now the son owns a beautiful restaurant, employing two dozen people.
So many things came together to make this story happen, but primarily it was spirit-driven. Lena's story came to me like a blessing from the Holy Spirit… and it needed to be told. God has surely blessed America!
My Review ...
Refugee Magdalena (“Lena”) Serida and her
five-year-old sister Anna escaped an uprising in Chechnya and headed to America
to pursue a better life. Lena is in nursing school and struggling to support
her sister, but she is quite content with her new life. She meets District Attorney
Mitchell Sanderson when he helps her with a flat tire. This chance encounter is
the start of a new friendship. A tragic accident once cost Mitch everything he
loved, so he is not looking for a relationship at this time. Or so he thought.
He finds himself falling for the Christian refugee from an Islamic region as
she slowly turns his world upside down. Lena has a strong faith, which is
something that Mitch is struggling with. He can tell she is fearful about
something related to her past, and he wonders what it is. How will he feel
about her when he learns the whole story?
This is the first full-length novel from Ruth Logan
Herne, and I certainly hope it will not be her last! There is so much to be
said about this book. The story details how opposites can truly attract. There
are a number of emotionally gripping scenes, including some humorous ones as
Lena tries to get a grasp of the American language.
While Mitch is a strong, driven character, and Anna
is endearing, Lena is truly the heart and soul of this novel. She is a strong,
courageous, and inspiring character — one of the best characters I have
encountered in a long time (and I read a lot of books!). She is a kind soul
despite her past circumstances, and she is determined not to be stopped by
those events. Lena has many wonderful insights about faith, such as: “Perhaps
faith is the equalizer. If we are born with varied talents and strengths,
perhaps it is the valor of God which brings us to new heights.” As a refugee,
she understands how much responsibility comes with the freedom that many people
take for granted every day. Lena also exemplifies the importance of remembering
to bless others when we, ourselves, have been blessed.
This is a well-researched novel and it educates the
reader on refugees and Chechnya, which may be unfamiliar to some readers. The
relationships develop at a realistic pace, and the emotional ending will stick
with you beyond the final sentence.
Disclaimer: I received a free copy from the author
in exchange for an honest review.
Q: What are your thoughts on current trends in the publishing industry, including self-publishing?
A: This is the best time ever to be an author! No longer must authors wait to be discovered and published by diminishing publishers and their lists. We have a host of choices awaiting us! Now this shouldn't minimize our responsibility to bring the best work possible to readers, but I trust readers to find me (my traditional and indie published works) and they do! I am so blessed to have a foot in both waters.
Q: What would you be doing if you weren't an author?
A: Well, I'm still doing it, LOL! Like so many others, I'm still working a full-time job with children, and I love it. Keeping myself immersed in young families helps me to keep my fingers on the pulse of today's family dynamic: the good, the bad, and the funny! I have six children, and now a 14th grandchild on the way, and I love being surrounded by mayhem. While this works for me, most folks would cringe … But I'm okay with controlled chaos and kids love it!
Q: What advice do you have for new authors?
A: I get all Winston Churchill on them: Never give up. Never, ever, ever give up. Write every day. Don't take a day off. Develop writer habits early. Don't whine :)
Q: What is your next project that you are currently working on?
A: Several! I'm so delighted to say that! I've got several novella collections coming out in early October: "Home for Christmas," a historical collection, "A Heart Full of Christmas," a contemporary collection, and a duo/duet called "Ribbons and Roses" with Mia Ross, a friend and fellow Love Inspired author. Then I have my first Grace Haven release for Love Inspired in January, "An Unexpected Groom," a Franciscan release in March, "More Than a Promise,"and then the first Double S Ranch book for Waterbrook/Multnomah, "Back in the Saddle." It is been a crazy, fun, busy year here on the farm, Leslie!
Q: What is your favorite writing-related book?
A: Don't hate me. I never read writing-related books. I do study authors. I'm self-taught. I never went to college, so what you get from me are life-shaped stories that embrace all of the beauty, wonder, and sometimes ill, of mankind, but with the strength and wonder of faith, hope, and love, and how that strengthens us — ALL OF US! — To those times of trouble. But what I do believe is that practice, practice, practice makes better writers. I don't learn by reading … I learn by doing, so once I recognized that, I pushed myself to be like Dorrie on Finding Nemo : (imagine sing-song voice) "Just keep writing, just keep writing, just keep writing…" :)
Q: Now for a few fun getting-to-know-you questions. PC or Mac?
A: PC, an HP laptop that I love, love, love with Windows 7, because why on earth would I want to waste good writing time teaching myself Windows 8??
Q: City or country?
A: Both. I live in the country. We have a small farm, so summer is crazy busy, but I love going down to NYC (about five hours away). I'm in upstate, so envision Lake Ontario, with hills and green, green, green, deciduous forest land. If you don't mow it or plow it, a forest will appear, and fairly quickly! Amazing! But I love going to the Big Apple, Philly, Baltimore, etc. I love cities!
Q: Cat or dog?
A: Dog, but we have two farm cats, too, and they are sweeties.
Q: Introvert or extrovert?
A: Extrovert. I love people.
Q: Tea or coffee?
A: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :) I am an admitted coffee addict. But I'm safe to drive with, so that's good, right???
Q: Mountains or ocean?
A: Gosh, both. Who wouldn't love both? But if I was to live by one or the other, it would be water. I love watching storms roll and ebb across the water.
Q: Winter or summer?
A: Winter. Hot and muggy and bug-infested aren't my thing. I love winter. I'm weird, I own that, but by the end of February I'm ready to be done with it and embrace spring. Up here, winter is not generally that accommodating!
Q: Casual or dressy?
A: Both. Mostly casual by nature of working with kids, but I love to dress up now and again and make sure I'm still a girl!
Q: Twitter or Facebook?
A: Facebook. I love human contact. I love chatting back and forth with people!
Q: Mexican food or Italian food?
A: Italian, Italian, Italian! I love pasta! I will never be a skinny woman because I love pasta and potatoes (I'm Irish, so of course, right??) and homemade bread.
Thanks for taking the time to chat with me. I'm sure my readers will enjoy getting to know you a bit better :)
About Ruth...
Multi-published, best-selling author Ruth Logan Herne lives in upstate New York where record-setting snowfall buys her extra time to write sweet books mid-winter. Inaccessibility has its advantages! She loves God, her family, her country, dogs, chocolate, and coffee. The order of preference varies depending on mood and season. She loves to hear from readers. You can friend her on Facebook or stop by her website (
http://ruthloganherne.com/), visit her in Seekerville (
http://seekerville.blogspot.com/), or the Yankee Belle Cafe (
http://yankeebellecafe.blogspot.com/), where she and a sweet group of regional authors share recipes, thoughts, and pictures of life, sweet life!
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