Saturday, March 30, 2019

"The Sleuth's Dilemma" by Kimberly Rose Johnson ... and a GIVEAWAY! (JustRead Tours)

The Sleuth's Dilemma blog blitz

Welcome to the Blog Blitz and Giveaway for The Sleuth's Dilemma by Kimberly Rose Johnson, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!


the sleuth's dilemmaTitle: The Sleuth's Dilemma
Series: The Librarian Sleuth #2  
Author: Kimberly Rose Johnson  
Publisher: Mountain Brook Ink  
Genre: Cozy Mystery  
Release Date: February 1, 2019  

Anna loves her job as a high school English teacher until everything goes sideways. The one bright spot in her life is Titus Gains, the school counselor, who is there for her at every turn.

Titus’ boss complicates his ordered world when she tasks him with running a meeting that changes everything. How had he not noticed Anna earlier? Someone is out to destroy her, and he can’t let that happen.

As the head of the English department, part of Luke Harms’ job is to make sure everything runs smoothly. Things went haywire when Anna was put in charge of the big writing contest. Entries are missing, Anna appears to be in danger, and her job is on the line. Luke is investigating and wants to make things right for this woman he’s starting to care about.

Can a trio of school officials along with Nancy Daley, the town sleuth, stop the saboteur before it’s too late? And will Anna choose the right man, or lose them both?  

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | Book Depository


Kimberly Rose Johnson

Award winning author Kimberly Rose Johnson married her college sweetheart and lives in the Pacific Northwest. From a young child Kimberly has been an avid reader. That love of reading fostered a creative mind and led to her passion for writing. She especially loves romance and writes contemporary romance and romantic mystery that warms the heart and feeds the soul.

Kimberly holds a degree in Behavioral Science from Northwest University in Kirkland, Washington, and is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers.

You can sign up for Kimberly's newsletter via her website at:  

CONNECT WITH KIMBERLY: website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | BookBub

the sleuth's dilemma giveaway


(1) winner will win:
  • $15 Amazon gift card
Enter via the Rafflecopter giveaway below. Giveaway will begin at midnight March 26, 2019 and last through 11:59 pm April 2, 2019. Open internationally as long as winner can accept gift card from US Amazon. Void where prohibited by law. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!


Friday, March 29, 2019

"Season of Hope" by Lisa Jordan ... and a GIVEAWAY!

Lisa is here to share a bit about her latest release. She's offered to give away an electronic copy of the book. You can enter by using the Rafflecopter link at the end of the post. (Giveaway ends April 5, 2019. If you are the randomly chosen winner, I'll contact you.) 

The story behind the story...

When my Lakeside series was coming to an end, I really loved the fictional town of Shelby Lake that I had created and wasn't ready to leave behind. However, I needed a fresh series based in that area. I was inspired by my childhood of growing up down the road from my grandparents' dairy farm and their lives as farmers. Also, I'm so blessed by their spiritual legacy. So I created the Holland family--a family of dairy farmers who need to find hope in the heartache. I wanted to honor farmers, who are the backbones of America. While I was doing some research, I learned about a program that helps veterans with disabilities to learn how to farm in order to start their own small businesses. As a former Marine, wife, I've always had a heart for our military. In Season of Hope, Jake wants to create a fatigues-to-farming program that will help veterans with disabilities to learn how to start their own farms. And with that idea, I needed to give him obstacles, and the plot was born.

About Lisa...

Heart, home, and faith have always been important to Lisa Jordan, so writing stories with those elements comes naturally. She is an award-winning author for Love Inspired, writing novels that promise hope and happily ever after. Happily married for nearly thirty years, she and her husband have two grown sons. When she isn't writing, Lisa enjoys family time, good books, crafting with friends, and kayaking.

Where you can find Lisa online...

Thursday, March 28, 2019

"Her Colorado Cowboy" by Mindy Obenhaus ... and a GIVEAWAY! (JustRead Tours)


Welcome to the Blog Tour and Giveaway for Her Colorado Cowboy by Mindy Obenhaus, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!


9781488042782(1)Title: Her Colorado Cowboy  
Series: Rocky Mountain Heroes, Book 3  
Author: Mindy Obenhaus  
Publisher: Harlequin Love Inspired  
Genre: Contemporary Romance  
Release Date: March 19, 2019  

Lassoing the single mom’s heart…
A Rocky Mountain Heroes story

Socialite Lily Davis agrees to take her children riding…despite her fear of horses.

But now widowed cowboy Noah Stephens is determined to help her get comfortable in the saddle. And, at her children’s insistence, Lily finds herself promoting his rodeo school.

As Noah and Lily work together, will Noah continue to shield his heart…or can they discover a love that conquers both their fears?  

LINKS*: Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository | Christian Book | iTunes


“I am so sorry, Noah. To go from the joy of expecting a child to losing both the baby and the woman you loved.” Lily clenched a hand to her chest. “I can’t begin to imagine how difficult that must have been for you.”

“I had some pretty rough days. And ended up coping the only way I thought I could. By returning to the rodeo circuit and working 'round the clock. Practicing, trying new and different techniques, all in an effort to become the best rodeo champ ever.”

Her smile was a sad one. “From what I’ve read, you succeeded.”

“I suppose.” Sitting up, he snagged a piece of grass. Rolled it between his fingers. “`Course, it didn’t hurt that I had a death wish. I figured I’d already lost everything…”



It took Mindy Obenhaus forty years to figure out what she wanted to do when she grew up, but once God called her to write, she never looked back. A three-time Carol Award finalist, Mindy is passionate about touching readers with Biblical truths in an entertaining, and sometimes adventurous, manner. When she’s not writing, she enjoys cooking and spending time with her grandchildren at her Texas ranch.  

CONNECT: website | facebook | twitter | pinterest | goodreads | bookbub

her colorado cowboy blog giveaway


(1) winner will win:
  • a signed copy of Her Colorado Cowboy
  • $15 Amazon gift card
Enter via the Rafflecopter giveaway below. Giveaway will begin at midnight March 25, 2019 and last through 11:59 pm April 1, 2019. US only. Void where prohibited by law. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Writing Prompt Wednesday

If you're feeling stuck in your WIP (work in progress) or just want to shake things up a bit, here's something different to try today:

The sound of laughter drifted up from the street below, making him feel very alone in this new town.

Happy writing!

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

"The Baggage Handler" by David Rawlings

My review...

The Baggage Handler is one of the best short stories I’ve read in some time, and it reminded me of James Rubart’s books with its thought-provoking message. The writing quickly drew me in. There’s a bit of a speculative element to the story, but not enough to turn someone off who may not be a fan of that genre.

The story follows three main characters and the Baggage Handler. I expected the characters to interact a bit more, but there are definitely similarities between them. There wasn’t as much of an obvious religious aspect as I was expecting.

Discussion questions in the back provide a great opportunity for further reflection, and it would make this a great story for a book club or small group. Aside from that, this is a quick, enjoyable read. I would’ve like it to be a bit longer, and then there could have been a bit more character development, but I do think the author gets his message across to the reader. This story will likely leave the reader examining the baggage they carry around each day.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy, but I wasn’t required to leave a positive review.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Monday Motivation

"Everything is hard before it is easy."
— Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Have a wonderful week!

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Takeover Thursday with Jennifer Uhlarik .. and a GIVEAWAY!

Jennifer is here to share a bit about her latest release. She's offered to give away a print copy of the book (US ONLY). You can enter by using the Rafflecopter link at the end of the post. (Giveaway ends March 28, 2019. If you are the randomly chosen winner, I'll contact you.) 

The story behind the story...

I was supposed to be plotting a novella for a collection with the theme of “women doing male-dominated jobs.” Thus, my heroine was a doctor at a time in history when very few women practiced medicine in any formal setting. But I needed some kind of an event that would allow her a big platform to use her medical skills. It was late one evening when I stumbled on a brief mention of the Sand Creek Massacre and thought it would make the perfect setting. Immediately, the hero, Five Kills, began to take shape in my mind. But in the days after that, I dug further into the research of the Sand Creek Massacre and realized just how much  history there was to cover. It was not the topic for a novella! And I wondered if it was even a good topic for a novel. But the story called to me, and after praying through the idea, I knew it must be written. So—Sand Creek Serenade was born. 


Five Kills listened to the discussion between the Tsitsistas and Hinono-eino chiefs. He appreciated Black Kettle’s insistence that he sit with the elders during their talks, despite the fact his feats in battle should not have earned him such an honor. It was his knowledge of English and French that netted him the seat. His fluency in both languages, plus his passable knowledge of Spanish, often proved useful in knowing whether the white men told the truth during their various interactions. He may not feel he deserved such an esteemed place in the counsel tent, but out of respect for the leader of The People, he came when called, listened carefully to all sides, and offered his thoughts when asked.
From outside the tent, voices rose, and the commotion stalled the conversation within. As the ruckus grew, Black Kettle told a brave to see what was happening. The man slipped from the tent and returned a moment later, eyes settling on Five Kills.
“Your dog has angered the soldiers.”
Heat blanketed his body. Of course it would be his dog, Hótame, to cause a problem. And with the white men, of all people. He reached for his musket, rose, and excused himself. A chill swept his shirtless skin as he emerged from the overly warm tent. He waded into the knot of his tribesmen and women as they faced three soldiers. Their discordant voices silenced as he stopped beside the dog who lay on her belly, attention focused on the white men, her large ears erect and swiveling.
Without a word, he looked at each soldier, waiting for them to state their business.
The man with fiery hair stepped forward. “Your dog stole my sister’s shoe.”
Five Kills furrowed his brow, pretending he didn’t understand.
“The dog.” He nodded at the animal. “It stole my sister’s shoe. Can we have it back please?”
Hótame did, in fact, have a strange-looking object resting between her paws. As Five Kills bent to retrieve it, she snatched it up and bounded sideways. Scowling, he reached for it again, only she backed up, tail wagging.
“Give it to me,” he snarled in the tongue of The People. Hótame woofed around the object, darted past him and the three soldiers, and dropped to her belly. Laughter rippled through the crowd.
Anger flared in his chest, both at Hótame and the laughter. He stalked past the soldiers. With a gathering of the elders in progress, now was not the time for her games. As he drew nearer, she mouthed the stiff footwear and raced off. His people’s tittering followed him. Five Kills refused to look back. He’d laugh once he returned to the camp, but at the moment, the odd situation did nothing but knot his muscles.
Over and over, the dog allowed him to draw near, but dashed a good distance away before he could grab her. The difficulty continued, drawing them toward a building at the white man’s fort. Again, Five Kills reached for the object, and when Hótame dashed out of reach, he stopped.
“I am done with your games,” he warned in The People’s tongue. “Just see what the soldiers will do to you.”
He turned, but the three white men had fanned out to block his path.
Hair-On-Fire spoke. “My sister’s shoe. I need it.”
Five Kills tightened his grip on his musket.
Behind him, Hótame barked furiously, and when he faced her, she scooped up the shoe and trotted toward the corner of the building where a slender, dark-haired woman appeared. The dog bounded toward her, staying just out of her reach.
Five Kills strode to where Hótame played, and when he drew near, she finally dropped the shoe and panted happily. Squatting, he scooped it up and, laying aside the musket, dried the dog’s saliva on his breechcloth.
“Sadie…” Hair-On-Fire’s voice dripped concern as the woman’s long shadow fell across him.
Five Kills grabbed the musket and rocked to his feet, eyeing the three soldiers, the woman, and a yellow-haired man he only now noticed lingering at the front of the building.
“Easy now.” The yellow-haired one came up beside the woman, his hands raised, some sort of dark string dangling from the meaty part of his hand.
In an instant, Hótame was at Five Kills’ side, a growl in her throat.
“Enough,” he hissed in The People’s tongue.
She stopped, though her hackles still stood on end.
When the pretty woman took an uneven step toward Five Kills, the yellow-haired man tried, and failed, to hook her arm.
She smiled, kindness in her brown eyes. “May I please have my shoe?”
The melodious tone of her voice caused him to draw back in surprise. It had been fifteen summers since he’d heard a white woman speak, the last one having a voice like a horde of angry bees. This woman’s voice was expressive. Soothing—like sun-warmed honey. 
When he didn’t immediately answer, she edged nearer and touched the shoe, her fingers brushing against his, ever so lightly. “May I have this?”
His heart beating faster at the feather-light touch, Five Kills stared at the dotting of light freckles sprinkled across her nose and cheeks. Shaking off the potent effect she had on him, he thrust the uncomfortable-looking footwear at her.
Her brown eyes lit with gratitude. “Thank you.”
The yellow-haired one stepped closer and, hooking her elbow, drew her behind him. “Yes, thank you,” he bristled. “It would be best if you went back to your camp now.” He jutted his chin toward the encampment a mile away. “Do you understand?”
“Gabriel, don’t be rude,” the woman spoke. “Our new friend is causing no harm.”
“Sadie,” Hair-On-Fire spoke in a warning tone.
She looked at her brother. “The Cheyenne and Arapaho are here seeking peace. The least we can do is be mannerly, especially since he did us a favor.”

About Jennifer...

Jennifer Uhlarik discovered the western genre as a pre-teen when she swiped the only “horse” book she found on her older brother’s bookshelf. A new love was born. Across the next ten years, she devoured Louis L’Amour westerns and fell in love with the genre. In college at the University of Tampa, she began penning her own story of the Old West. Armed with a B.A. in writing, she has finaled and won in numerous writing competitions, and been on the ECPA best-seller list numerous times. In addition to writing, she has held jobs as a private business owner, a schoolteacher, a marketing director, and her favorite—a full-time homemaker. Jennifer is active in American Christian Fiction Writers and lifetime member of the Florida Writers Association. She lives near Tampa, Florida, with her husband, college-aged son, and four fur children.

Where you can find her online...

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Tuesday Tip: Hanged or Hung?

Over the next few weeks, I'm going to be posting about some common words that can be confusing.

Hanged is when someone is put to death by hanging from a rope. 

The prisoner was hanged.

Hung is the correct past tense for of "hang" in all other uses. 

The child hung from the fence before he climbed over it.

Monday, March 18, 2019

"War-Torn Heart" by Allison Wells ... and a GIVEAWAY (JustRead blog tour)

War Torn Heart blog & review tour

Welcome to the Blog & Review Tour – and Giveaway – for War-Torn Heart by Allison Wells, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!


Title: War-Torn Heart  
Author: Allison Wells  
Publisher: Ambassador International  
Genre: Historical Fiction  
Release Date: March 20, 2019

Abigail Walker, a young woman from rural South Carolina, is on the cusp of womanhood, aching to be able to run wild as the younger children do, yet yearning for things she has yet to understand.

Awkward and unsure of herself, Abby is flustered when she meets Harvey Nicholas, a cadet from Clemson College. As summer begins, Abby finds herself constantly in the company of Harvey and falling quickly in love with him.

As rumors of war begin to reach the States, Abby begins to fear what may come for her older brother and Harvey.

Once Pearl Harbor is bombed, the boys are eager to protect their home and the women they love. But will Abby and Harvey's love be able to withstand distance, rumors, loss, and hurt? Or will the war be what tears apart Abby's heart?  

War-Torn Heart is a kleenex-box book with a story of hope, of love, and of perseverance through World War II, which will make the reader cry, scream, and long for more.

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | Book Depository |CBD


“I wanted to ask you a question,” Harvey said, his voice quiet, his eyes searching hers.
“Please do.” Abby tried to keep the conversation light to counter the weight of her heart thumping in her chest.
“Lots of the cadets at school talk about their girlfriends,” Harvey started. “And how they write to them while they’re in school. I’ve never had that in the past three years.” Abby’s heart fluttered. “There’s one girl from Charleston who writes me. She wants to be my girl.” Abby’s heart sank. “But, you see, I don’t feel that way about her,” he continued. “At least, not when I compare it to how I feel about you.”
“I don’t understand.” Abby searched Harvey’s eyes, trying to figure out what he meant.
“You, Abby. I was thinking of you.” He swallowed hard. “I was thinking maybe you could write me a few letters. I have really enjoyed getting to know you this summer, and I don’t want to lose that when I leave for school in a few weeks.”
“Me? You want me to write to you?” Abby asked, flushed. What did this mean? Did he want her to be his girlfriend?
“Yeah, we can be like pen pals.”

Back to the sinking feeling. “Pen pals? Okay. Sure,” Abby whispered.



Allison Wells is a new author, but for the most part she’s a Southern wife and mother. With four active children, she spends most of her time in the car, but when she can she loves to sit down and read or write. Allison is a graduate of Clemson University in the beautiful foothills of South Carolina and she still lives close enough to hear football games on Saturdays.  

CONNECT WITH ALLISON: website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

war-torn heart giveaway


(1) winner will win a print copy of War-Torn Heart (US only)
(1) winner will win an ebook copy of War-Torn Heart (open internationally)  

Enter via the Rafflecopter giveaway below. Giveaway will begin at midnight March 18, 2019 and last through 11:59 pm March 25, 2019. Void where prohibited by law. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

Saturday, March 16, 2019

"Half Finished" by Lauraine Snelling

My review...

Three friends decide to create a group for finishing unfinished craft projects of any kind, from an afghan to a boat. Men and women can participate.

I found the concept behind this story interesting. I can relate to the "UFO's" in this book, as I have quite a few of my own. (And I'm sure many other readers will agree!) I really enjoyed the cast of characters (and the fact that they were older than is typically found in many novels). They demonstrate how God can work through others, despite their differences. The relationship between Ginny and Amalia was perhaps my favorite. The small town added to the story's charm, and it was realistic in how everyone seems to know what's going on with everyone else. 

There is a large cast of characters, and having a list included at the beginning would've been helpful. The pace is a bit slow in parts, but it balances out overall. Tips for starting your own UFO group are included.

One of my favorite quotes: "I mean, after all, we are all UFOs when you think of it. God said He would do the finishing."

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy as part of the FaithWords blogger program, but I wasn't required to leave a positive review.

Friday, March 15, 2019

"Atoning for Ashes" by Kaitlin Covel ... and a GIVEAWAY!

Kaitlin is here to share a bit about her debut release. She's offered to give away a print copy of the book. (US ONLY). You can enter by using the Rafflecopter link at the end of the post. (Giveaway ends March 22, 2019. If you are the randomly chosen winner, I'll contact you.) 

Q&A with Kaitlin...

Q:  Congratulations on your debut!What message do you hope readers take away from your story?
A:   That everyone has ashes in their life … the ashes of broken dreams and scarred pasts. We serve a God whose love has redemptive power. He calls all of his children Beloved. He wants to atone for our ashes, even if they are the result of our mistakes, and redeem our future. Our God pursues the broken with arms of healing. All we have to do is stop running away. If we seek His face, He is faithful to heal our brokenness.

Q:  So true! This is your debut. What advice do you have for other new authors?
A:  Stay true to yourself when you write. Don’t let anyone rob you of the flavor and style that makes your writing unique and special. Every author has a voice. Continue developing your voice, and don’t allow criticism to steal your voice’s rhythm and harmony.

Q:  Great advice! What was the hardest part of your path to publication for this, your debut?
A:  The hardest part for me was learning all the twists and turns of launching the book. There was a lot more marketing involved than I had thought, but I learned a lot. I did enjoy many aspects of it as I began to get more comfortable.

Q:  Now, for a few fun questionsWhat famous person would you like to meet and why?
A:  Wow, that is a tough question. I love history, and there are so many famous people I would love to meet in person. I’m just going to say Lucille Ball because I Love Lucy is one of my favorite shows of all time! She never fails to make me laugh!

Q:  Oh, I agree! She's just wonderful. What's one thing about you that would surprise your readers?
A:  I love variety, and the adage “Variety is the spice of life” fits me very well. I can’t eat the same food, listen to the same music, or do the same activity too many times in a row because I will get sick of it very quickly!

Q:  Ha! Well, then I'm certainly interested in this next response. Do you have any writing rituals (such as a particular pen, outfit, music) you must have or do when writing?
A:  I’m definitely a “soundtrack writer.” I have to listen to music whenever I’m writing. I make lots of playlists on Spotify, and I frequently listen to instrumental soundtracks from movies to set the tone for each scene that I’m currently writing. I tend to find that music also helps me to express my characters’ emotions. Another writing ritual for me would be coffee … lots and lots of coffee! J

I definitely agree about the music (but not the coffee, lol!). I always work with music in the background. Thanks so much for being here. I'm sure my readers will enjoy getting to know more about your and your wonderful debut!

An excerpt...

     Josie’s eyes flew open to darkness as her body impacted something hard. Something coarse grazed her cheek. Terror mounted in cold ripples until it matched the cadence of her racing heart. Fear choked her until a scream ripped from her throat.
     There was a muffled cry, and her body pitched sideways as though some mysterious force had gripped her in its power. A thunderous crash shook the floorboards as she fought the folds that pinioned her limbs. A man’s hands pawed at her, fingers digging into her shoulders. She fought for the strength to scream again.
     She stilled at the sound of her name, familiar and fond. The man’s grasp gentled, and her trembling limbs were too weak to resist as he pulled her against his chest. Warm, steadying arms surrounded her as she detected the sound of ragged breathing. Her own chest shuddered with the effort.
     “Help me,” she gasped out. “Help—”
     “It’s all right. You’re going to be all right,” a tender voice murmured. It sounded familiar, but at the same time she had never heard it before. A rough jaw slid up against her skin, and wandering fingers buried themselves in her hair.
     “I won’t let anything hurt you. You’re safe now.”
     It hurt to breathe in the inky black oppression. The very air was poisoned.
     “Light,” she pleaded against the man’s cheek. “Oh, for the love of all that is sacred, bring me light.”
     Strong arms lifted her off the hard floor. She gripped the hard shoulder. His voice resonated within her soul.
     “Please God, let there be a moon for her sake.”
     A latch clicked, bathing her in silvery light. The stiff breeze revived her paralyzed senses with a rushing chill. Slowly, she realized where she was as she stared out at the moonlit sea through the cabin’s porthole with her husband.
     Charles’s eyes caressed her in the cold light, warmth bleeding through the shadows that played across the sharp lines of his face.
     “You must have had a nightmare.”
     Josie’s face twisted as he clutched her closer against the warmth of his chest.
     “I dreamed it again,” Josie whispered. “The nightmare. . . comes in night’s utter darkness.”

~ Pg. 139-140, Atoning for Ashes by Kaitlin Covel, copyright Deep River Books, 2019

My review...

Atoning for Ashes is a solid example of historical fiction, and it’s only the author’s debut! Richly detailed scenes and prose combine with well-drawn characters to pull the reader in early on. The characters’ struggles are realistic, and there were a few unexpected twists. Covel has a solid grasp on Regency romance. Scripture is woven throughout, and the story truly shows how God heals and can make beauty from ashes. This is not your typical historical romance. Parts moved a bit slower than I would have liked, but things balanced out in the end. There was more of a Christian element and mystery angle than I anticipated.

Difficult topics (such as alcoholism, abuse, pregnancy outside of marriage, and murder) are addressed, along with themes of self-worth, redemption, forgiveness, and trust. As a result of the topics, this book would be best for a mature audience.

Note: Swearing, abuse, attempted rape, and drinking

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy, but I wasn’t required to leave a positive review.

About Kaitlin...

She lives with her family in Maine, where she enjoys teaching the teen Sunday school class at her church. Her favorite things are family, books, history, chocolate, music, the ocean, and strong cups of tea.

Where you can find her online...
Facebook: @authorkaitlincovel
Twitter: @kaitlin_covel
Instagram: Kaitlin_Covel

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Writing Prompt Wednesday

If you're feeling stuck in your WIP (work in progress) or just want to shake things up a bit, here's something different to try today:

He had waited twenty years to return it...

Happy writing!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The State of my TBR Pile

I have a confession, actually two, to make: I LOVE BOOKS! And I’m a book hoarder. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the state of my TBR pile is such that is almost has its own zip code! Of course, that’s a slight exaggeration, though my husband would tell you it’s not too far off, especially as he watches my books take over bookshelves, the chair and stool in my office, the corner of my desk, the couch, and even the stairs. (Thankfully, he can’t see how many are on my Kindle 😊) Actually, he’s a great sport and encourages my reading by taking me to various book signings and conferences, and he carries around all my books and swag. But, I digress…

What can I say? I’m an editor and reviewer, so I have a book in my hands (be it a physical copy or e-book) most of the time. I’m truly blessed to have a career that is a perfect match for me (and fuels my passion … and obsession).

I just love reading, and that’s reflected in the variety of books found in my TBR pile. While I read a lot of Christian fiction, my TBR pile also includes nonfiction and mainstream reads. A number of genres are represented, as well. I participate in a variety of launch teams, street teams, and blog tours, and those books are a large part of my TBR pile. I also review for magazines and publishers. I tend to organize my pile(s) by the deadline, such as the release date.

So, what books am I looking forward to reading, you ask? Let’s take a look at my condensed TBR pile (in no particular order):

·       Flight of the Raven by Morgan L. Busse: This is the second book in the series. I agreed to review the first book for the publisher, even though it was quite different from the books I normally read. Boy, am I glad I stepped out of my comfort zone! I loved it, and I rushed to find out when the sequel would be out. I also picked up other books by Busse, Tainted and Awakened, which are also fabulous! I was blessed to meet the author at a book signing, too!

·      The Tinderbox by Beverly Lewis: I’ve been reading Lewis’s books for as long as I can remember. She piqued my interest in Amish fiction, and it’s become one of my favorite genres to read. I’ve met Beverly twice, and she’s as charming as the characters she writes 😊 (She even agreed to speak to my mom on the phone as a Mother’s Day gift, which totally made my mom’s day … and made it tricky for me to top the next year!)

·       Chosen People by Robert Whitlow: So many things in the blurb grabbed me. I’ve read a couple of Whitlow’s books in the past, so I’m looking forward to reading his latest.

·       The Pages of Her Life by James Rubart: Rubart is one of my favorite authors. His stories never fail to draw me in and make me think about things I hadn’t considered before.

·       A Daughter’s Truth by Laura Bradford: I already mentioned that I’m a fan of Amish fiction. I’ve never read a full-length novel by Bradford, though I have read a novella.

Burnout by Emily Nagoski (nonfiction): This is another book that pulled me in by the title and description. I think I’ll find the information quite useful.

·       Kill the Queen by Jennifer Estep: This one is different than many books I tend to read. However, I’ve realized over the past few years that it’s okay to step outside my comfort zone, and, in doing so, I’ve found a number of great books. From what I’ve heard about this book, I’m hoping that’s the case here.

·       The Tubman Command by Elizabeth Cobbs: I remember learning a bit about Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad, but I’ve never encountered a book quite like this one, which showcases the bravery and brilliance of an American icon.

·       Half Finished by Lauraine Snelling: I’ve read a few of Snelling’s books, but they’ve been historical novels, so I’m looking forward to seeing what she does with a contemporary tale that follows an ensemble of women/friends.

·       On Magnolia Lane by Denise Hunter: The is the third book in the charming “Blue Ridge” series. Need I say more? (And that cover looks so wonderful now, especially as I’m looking at snow out my window.)

·       The Medallion by Cathy Gohlke: I’ve read some of her books in the past, and they’re some of my favorite WWII-era books, so I’m excited about this one, which is inspired by true events from Poland.

What books are in your TBR pile? Hopefully, I’ve given you some suggestions to add to your list.