Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tuesday Tip: Make Time Your Friend

Mother Teresa stated, "Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin." 

Everyone must figure out the best way to make use of the little time we are given, and writers are no exception. There never seems to be enough time. We are spread so thin, between being a parent, a child, an employee, or whatever roles we are called to play.

So, how can you find more time in your day for writing? Here are some suggestions:

  1. Schedule It: In order to be sure that it is a priority for your day, schedule time for writing.If you treat it like an appointment, you will be less likely to push it off for unexpected events that occur.It may be easier to schedule a set amount of time for the entire week, so that way there is some flexibility on a day-to-day basis.
  2. Eliminate Time Wasters: This could include decreasing the amount of time spend on social media, watching television, running errands, or even household chores (though you will need to do those at some point!).While you do need downtime in your day, you may be wasting more time than you realize.
  3. Writing Corner: Designate a specific place to write. This could be a room or corner in your house, or it could be the local coffee shop. Choose whatever works best for you.
  4. Use Your Time Wisely: Don't be overly focused on achieving a set word count every day. The most important thing is to write. And if you happen to be stuck, remember that any writing is better than none. Write a letter to a friend or even a shopping list. Just write!
The important thing is to make your writing a priority. If you don't, no one else will either.

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