Jennifer has agreed to give away a hard copy of "Intertwined." You can enter by going to the Rafflecopter box at the end of this post. Contest ends October 15, 2015. If you are the randomly chosen winners, I will contact you to get your information to pass along to the author. Good luck!
A Word About the Book...
Intertwined, part of New Hope Publisher’s contemporary fiction line, is a great reminder of how God can turn our greatest tragedies and failures into beautiful acts of love and grace. Readers will fall in love with the realistic characters and enjoy the combination of depth, heartfelt emotion, and humor that makes Jennifer’s novels so appealing. Readers will be inspired to find God in every moment and encounter in their own lives!
My Review...
Tammy Kuhn is an organ procurement coordinator
struggling to keep her job and raise her two children after her husband leaves
her for another. She puts her heart and soul into both tasks. Nick Zimmerman is
doing his best to remain a part of his sons’ lives. His ex-wife is making that
difficult. He didn’t have a relationship with his father, and he does not want
the same for his boys. He would like to fight for joint custody, but the fact
that he also runs a restaurant could make that a bit challenging.
While working at the hospital one evening, Tammy is
surprised to encounter Nick, her high school sweetheart. He is there because
his son was in a serious accident. He blames himself and feels that he is being
punished by God. Neither is in the position for a romantic relationship, but
there are still strong feelings between them. Will they come to realize that it
was not a coincidence but a God-incidence that brought them back together?
This is a well-researched novel, educating the
reader on organ donation and highlighting several issues that single parents
encounter. Slattery deftly tackles the internal battles that parents face, in
many situations, in this powerful story which showcases how someone’s legacy
can continue through the gift of organ donation. There are a number of
identifiable family dynamics contained in this appropriately paced and engaging
novel. An important reminder to the reader is: “Bitterness is the worst kind of
cancer. It buries its roots deep into one’s heart, growing like a parasitic
vine, insulin strangles everything else.”
Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book from
the author in exchange for an honest review.
Q & A with Jennifer...
Q: What would you be doing if you weren’t an author?
A: Oh, my, that’s a tough one. Go completely insane? Haha. I’m also an editor, so at least I’d have that… right? If I couldn’t work, in some way, in the publishing industry, I’d probably be a librarian or bookstore clerk. (Yes, I have a fierce and incurable book addiction!)
**Jennifer, I have to agree with you on this! I can't see myself doing anything that doesn't involve books!
Q: What are your thoughts on current trends in the publishing/indie publishing/hybrid publishing?
A: I have mixed emotions on this. I’ve seen some authors do a great job with self-publishing, but I’ve seen others use it as a short cut to publication. For those who’ve chosen indie publishing because of the margins, and who’ve sifted their books through numerous critique partners and editors and have enlisted the help from talented cover artists who understand marketing, I say go for it! But for those who jumped to indie because they couldn’t receive a traditional contract, I’d say they might be harming their career by releasing their work before it’s ready.
Q: What project are you currently working on?
A: I’m completing big picture edits on my fourth novel, Breaking Free, releasing by New Hope Publishers in the spring. This has been especially fun as I made final changes while my husband and I were vacationing in Seattle, where the novel is set. Sightseeing took on a whole new meaning as storyworld merged with real life, and we got to see so many places—like the historic Gas Works Park—we probably wouldn’t have otherwise.
Q: What’s your favorite writing related book?
A: The Emotion Thesaurus—such a great resource! It tells you body language and physiological responses for different emotions. I rely heavily on this book from first draft to final edit.
Q: What advice would do you have for new authors?
A: First, I’d say don’t give up. This is a long journey, one that will require perseverance and determination. Next, I’d say connect with a group of writers and find solid and committed critique partners. It’s amazing how quickly writers grow when they begin to work with other writers!
Q: PC or Mac
A: Hm… I like the keys of PCs—most specifically, the Toshiba I purchased back in 2008.
Unfortunately that computer died this past year, so I bought a Mac—and a wireless keyboard. And a plug-in keyboard, both with softer keys.
Q: Introvert or extrovert?
A: Both, depending on the situation. I have a natural desire to include people and am often drawn to those sitting on the outskirts. I want to bring them in to the group, and to do so, this requires me to be an active part of whatever group I’m drawing people in to. But this does drain me, and I need large amounts of time with me, myself, and my keyboard. I often joke that I could go weeks without leaving the house, although that’s not entirely true. The truth is, I could go weeks without leaving the house other than to go for a long, leisurely walk or on an occasional latte run. :)
Q: Winter or summer?
A: Honestly, I love both, which is why I enjoy living in Nebraska, with its four distinct and beautiful seasons. I love sitting in my living room, curled up in a blanket with a hot mug of tea in one hand and a book in the other while snow falls outside. I also love lazy summer nights spent on our back porch with my honey.
Q: City or country?
A: Though I grew up on the outskirts of the country in a relatively small dairy town, I’m very much a city girl. I love shopping and being close to modern conveniences. I also love diverse cultures and people watching!
Q: Dog or cat?
A: Um… neither? I’m a bit of a germaphobe and am not a huge fan of cat litter boxes and some of the things that go along with pet ownership. (Did I just lose a few readers with this one? Oops. :/ )
**Jennifer, totally understandable! I have a turtle (and, in the past, fish). I do like dogs, but my allergies do not. I'm also not a fan of the litter boxes.
Q: Mountains or ocean?
A: Both! Boy, I’m high-maintenance, huh? One of my favorite locations is the Puget Sound in Western Washington where you can hike through the mountains, surrounded by tall fir trees and gaze at the water below.
**I'd love to be somewhere that I can see the ocean on one side of my house and the mountains on the other side. I'm not sure where that would be, however.
Q: Casual or dressy?
A: On a typical day, I’m way casual—like jogging pants and T-shirt, no make-up, hair pulled back in a pony casual. But I love to dress up and go out on the town with my man. I especially love wearing matchy-matchy jewelry, if possible, crafted by an artist we discovered on one of our romantic get-aways.
Q: Twitter or Facebook?
A: Facebook for sure. I really don’t get Twitter.
Q: Mexican or Italian food?
A: Mexican, especially if their tortilla chips are gluten free!
Thanks for taking the time to chat with me, Jennifer. I'm sure my readers will enjoy getting to know you a bit better :)
About Jennifer...
Jennifer Slattery writes soul-stirring fiction for New Hope Publishers, a publishing house passionate about bringing God’s healing grace and truth to the hopeless. She also writes for, Internet Café Devotions, and the group blog, Faith-filled Friends. When not writing, Jennifer loves going on mall dates with her adult daughter and coffee dates with her hilariously fun husband.
Visit with Jennifer online at and connect with her on Facebook at